Shadowrun - Xbox 360

Shadowrun - Xbox 360

  • $19.95
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    After 5.000 years magic, that was believed to be dead, is rediscovered and the RNA Global wants to take it for themselves just to have the power. A group called Lineage decides not to let that happen. They want to preserve the magic for everyone on the planet. A war ensues.

    Shadowrun is a first-person shooter set in the cyberpunk-urban fantasy cross-genre based on the license of the same name, but not set in the same universe. Instead, the developer created an alternate continuity. The game takes place in Brazil in 2031, before the events that of the actual Shadowrun universe.

    After the six chapters of the tutorial the player can either choose to fight against bots or go online and play against up to 15 other players in the three different game modes: Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Artefacthunt. Each team can choose between the four races: Human, Elf, Troll or Dwarf. Depending on which race you choose, the character has access to different kinds of talents. The Trolls for example have more health than any of the other races and can in addition increase their armor for a short period of time.

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