Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - Xbox 360

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - Xbox 360

  • $13.95
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Kane is on his way to the execution with another prisoner called Lynch when the transport gets attacked by a group of guys. While Lynch already knew that this would happen, it is only later revealed to Kane that the attackers were his old associates which he presumed dead. Now they demand the money from the last coup they did together from Kane. Since Kane has nothing to lose, they took his family hostage in order to force him to get them their money fast. To make things even worse, they hired the medicated psychopath Lynch to be his watchdog.

From the moment the transport is hit, you take control over Kane and try to free your family. The camera is placed behind Kane while moving and you can also zoom into a over-the-shoulder view while firing. Kane will automatically take cover where it is possible and if he is too badly wounded, he needs a teammate to give him a shot of adrenaline to get him back into the fight. But don't do that too often in a short period of time or your heart will collapse with an unfortunate end.

    Disclaimer: The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product received.

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