Headhunter: Redemption - Playstation 2

Headhunter: Redemption - Playstation 2

  • $15.95
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In the 21st century, a dreadful virus wiped out millions. The vaccine was found, but at the time the world was engulfed into chaos. A new world order emerged, splitting the world into two distinct yet dependent worlds: Above and Below.

The world Above reflects a chrome city, a high-rise, high-tech metropolis served by elevators and elevated freeways. A place for hardworkers and law-abiding people. On the contrary to Above, the world Below, which is the product of earthquake damages, is a subterranean network of labour colonies. Those who are not wanted Above for one reason or another are sent Below.

One day, now veteran Headhunter, Jack Wade, took a call to investigate an intrusion to the upper levels. Facing the trespasser, Jack saw a potential in the girl and instead of turning her in, he gave her a second chance... to become his apprentice. Jack is back, but this time, he's not alone but accompanied by his sidekick Leeza X. Together, they will face whatever threat lurks from the world Below.

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