Awesomenauts Assemble! - Playstation 4
Awesomenauts Assemble! is a conversion of the PC 2D multiplayer online battle arena game Awesomenauts for the PS4. It brings over the changes from the contemporary version of the PC game. The eight 'originals' characters from the original version are extended with the seven 'year one' characters: Ayla, Admiral Swiggins, Gnaw, Genji the Pollen Prophet, Raelynn, Skølldir, and Vinnie & Spike. Visually, there is an overhaul of the menus and the netcode has been rebalanced with better matchmaking. Players leaving the game prematurely also receive a lower ranking now. In multiplayer the game can be played offline with two- to four-player player split-screen or with six players online. This version also adds a new stealth-focused map and just like the PC version additional skins are supported through DLC.
The July 2014 patch adds two additional characters from Awesomenauts: Starstorm: Penny Fox and Ted McPain. It also introduces custom games where private matches can be customized with an option to switch the mode into Team Deathmatch and Randomnauts. Other fixes from the PC version are carried over as well.
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