The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age - Game Boy Advance
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age for the Game Boy Advance encompasses the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, but does so in a unique turn-based strategy formula.
Unlike the console versions, the Game Boy Advance version gives players the option of playing the heroes from the trilogy, selecting their commander from the likes of Aragorn and Gandalf, or even using the evil forces of Mordor and choosing the Witch-king or Saruman.
From there, the player experiences over 30 battle scenarios, ranging from the well-known battles of the film (Helm's Deep and the Pelennor Fields), small skirmishes (Amon Hen and Osgiliath), and even some more battles just hinted at in the movies (Isildur's ambush, Theodred's death at the fords of the River Isen).
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